จากการประชุมภายในของโรงเรียนที่มีชื่อเสียงหลายแห่งในออสเตรเลียมีความเห็นร่วมกันโดยแนะนำให้ทางเอเจ้นท์ปฎิบัติตามดังนี้: เนื้อหาสำคัญคือแนะนำให้ยื่นขอวีซ่านักเรียนปีหน้าหลังกุมภาพันธ์ 2566
The Visa Rejections in October are overwhelming and across the industry where everyone is surprised about this, rejections with unclear reasons and what happened intensively over the last few months disappointed all of us.
Please be considered the withdraw the Visa Application, and reapply it next year – After February 2023
Please delay visa application as much as you can
I recommend not to lodge visa application until we see the Visa Rejection Rate drops
Student can still enroll for the Special Promotion year 2022 and carry forward to year 2023 as long as they get school offer letter.
We highly recommend the package course for higher chance of Visa Grant: English + Diploma or University course
According to Australian Immigration statistically year 2022, Thailand is high risk country for Visa Rejection. Visa Grant Rate is only 69.5%.

Credit Source: DHFA Australia
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